2016年1月1日 星期五

008.1 給爸爸的親子動手做 - 不用去美國, 在家就可做的舊金山科博館會轉紙板機器

動手做主題:  會轉紙板機器. 
動手做的詳細步驟及材料: 請按這裏

from:  http://exploratorium.edu/about-us

前几天和我的狗頭軍師團聊天 (前情摘要, 看這裏), 她說他ㄤ(先生)很宅, 每天都在玩平板電腦, 不能幫忙育兒....... (是不是很多媽媽有一樣無奈的感覺?????)

嗯!....這個問題的確很困擾.我們很難強迫爸爸和孩子一起作美美的勞作(他們就沒興趣啊!), 所以三豬媽去找了一個爸爸也可以參與的動手做 - 會轉的紙板機器. (如下圖)

這個創意來源是來自舊金山科博館的Tinkery Stuidio(上頭美美的照片就是來自Exploratorium )的動手做範例. 是用紙板完成一個會動的機器. 很適合理工科系的爸爸. 

連結有非常詳細說明, 相信學理工的爸爸們, 看照片就會作了, 請看這裏. (三豬偷偷小聲講: 看起來很簡單, 作品要能很順的動是需要動腦想的.... 把材料準備好, 拿給爸爸和孩子玩, 保證你可以在旁翹腳休息個1小時以上, 因為真的沒有這麼容易, 偷笑中^_^) 

運用的材料很簡單, 就是一些 紙板、軟墊(Form)、棒子、墊圈, 製作記錄, 就請小企鵝寫囉! 小企鵝中文不好, 請大家忍著點看英文.
PS: 因為企鵝弟弟還太小, 不會做, 所以用剩餘的材料, 在旁亂貼了個不會動的機器人. 作完自己很興奮!小企鵝趁我睡覺, 竟然叫弟弟也寫個記錄. 在英文敍述的最後一段.

       So when I said that the Haunted House one (just in case you don't know what it is, it's another project, or namely, 007.1 萬聖節專輯 (自己動手做) - 鬼一般的作品, it's a really cool project, you should really check it out!) was impossible, cross that out, this time, this project is even harder. Even my mom admitted that she told my dad to do it with me because she thought it was too hard for her to teach me. Yes, for this project, my dad taught me how to do. I was really frustrated that mine, the first one from the left is mine in the picture above, would not spin at first, maybe because I was really engaged in the book I was reading, The Mysterious Bendict Society if you wanted to know, and wanted to keep reading. I'll include the steps below for the Spinning Smiley, as I call it (not how to read)
1. Cut out a cardboard rectangle from a small rectangular box, unless you want a huge Spinning Smiley. Tape or glue cardboard triangles on the corners of the cardboard rectangle. Check out the picture below to make sure you have it right.

2. Cut out two ovals with longer tops out of craft foam and glue them together. If you want to do it quick, use a hot glue gun. Pierce the ovals with a chopstick or a huge stick if you are doing a giant one. Stick the chopstick through.

3. Cut out a circle out of craft foam and stick a round stick or colored pencil through the middle (gigantic round stick if you are doing a big one!). Stick the round stick without the foam circle through the top of the cardboard rectangle. Attach the foam circle from the bottom.

4. Stick the chopstick without the foam oval through the width of the rectangle, attach the foam circle. If your colored pencil or stick is floppy, make a simple stand using the scraps of cardboard. Decorate any way you like!!!

Because Leopard, or my brother, is too young to do this project, he made a robot out of scrap materials. He wanted to say a few things about his robot:
funny;place excited bad robot // I like my robot. Robot very funny. Robot don't dances My robot is 5 year old.

產地自銷大聲公: 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)"的"自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.

1 則留言:

  1. 好棒喔!!
