2015年11月11日 星期三

010.1 【自己動手做】簡單又有意義的感恩節的傳統 - 感謝罐 (Thank You Jar)

感謝罐 (Thank you jar)

自己動手做: 感恩節 - 感謝罐製作
感恩節手工藝範例: 葉子做的火雞 from crafty morning 
20個簡單的感恩節勞作及活動. from Parenting
(NEW update!)感恩節勞作大集合: from All Kids free kids craft

11月最後一個星期四就是感恩節. 如果你希望培養孩子同理心, 感恩節是最適合不過的時機.

 感恩節的手工藝很多. 見這裏. 三豬媽選了一個最傳統的, 就是一個感謝罐 (Thank You Jar). 作法非常簡單, 找個空罐, 孩子裝飾就好了. 孩子每天寫一個感謝紙條放進罐子, 還蠻有意義的.

學校也會有些感恩節的活動. 最常見的就是Food Drive 及義賣活動.
 學校的感恩節活動.感謝擁有, 幫助別人..

範例一: Food Drive, 可以捐一些罐頭, 或有用的食物給別人

學校感恩節活動二. 義賣二手書
製作記錄就由小企鵝寫, 小企鵝不會寫中文, 請大家包涵看英文. 文中最後說: 就算你沒有慶祝感恩節, 也可以作哦.

Thank-you jars
                                 By Penguin
      It's just the end of Halloween, and the stores are already preparing for Thanksgiving. Well luckily for the pumpkins, they stay, the pumpkins should really give thanks for not ending up the trash can. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, so we made a Thank-you jar! It's fun, even Leopard, my brother, could do it without help! I made a big jar, while he made a small jar. Anything looks pretty. I wrote THANKS!, for mine, and Leopard did too.

Write something nice to someone or something.
That's what I wrote for my instructions. Even that you might not celebrate Thanksgiving, you can still make a thank-you jar!

不好意思, 我們的工作桌超凌亂的, 有前几天去採的柿子、電腦、一堆材料、回收紙.....就是沒法照出乾淨簡潔的照片.不過, 這樣才是真實生活吧!

