2015年10月24日 星期六

007.1 萬聖節專輯 (自己動手做) - 超簡單的9個萬聖節手工藝

動手做主題: 超簡單的9個萬聖節手工藝
動手做的詳細步驟及材料: 請按這裏

下個星期就是萬聖節了(10月31日). 萬聖節就像農暦七月的鬼節. 只是沒像東方那麼陰深恐怖. (三豬碎碎唸: 各位有沒有覺得東方的青面撩牙鬼比西洋鬼恐怖呢?)  

在西方, 其實過萬聖節方式是蠻歡樂的. 它是小孩最愛的節日之一. 既可以穿奇奇怪怪的造型服(costume) 又可以玩"不給糖就搗蛋"遊戲(Trick or Treat), 還可以雕南瓜燈籠(jack 'o lantern). 

到底這個節日是有多重要呢? 可能就像我們每年的三大節日 - 中秋節那麼重要吧! 有各式各樣的佈置、傳統、應景商品. 有關萬聖節的由來, 可以點選上面影片(有字幕).

這星期我們在下課後, 做了一個萬聖節的佈置手工藝. 靈感來源是前几天我在臉書上提到的 - - 在家就可做、材料隨手可得(像是衛生紙捲筒、棉花...等)的超簡單的9個萬聖節手工藝.( 9 Halloween Craft Idea for kids ). 

from: http://amomwithalessonplan.com/halloween-craft-ideas-for-kids/

記錄就由小企鵝來寫囉.小企鵝不會寫中文, 大家多多包涵, 看一下英文.
   Halloween, which is in 7 days from now, is my second favorite holiday (partly because of the costumes and candy). So after school, my mom showed us the website above, and told us to make at least two of those. I thought, no way! It looked impossible! (Okay, compared to what we did today, that was pretty easy) She said the Haunted House was pretty cool, so she said we should do it. 

We drew a haunted house on black construction paper and cut it out. I did a hotel. Then, we drew and cut out windows and doors.
 We glued the haunted hotel or house or mansion on another sheet of construction paper, we used brown, but you can use gray, white, or any other color of your liking. I cut out and glued on a moon, but my brother insisted that he wanted to make a sun. 

After the glue dries, you can draw little figures in your haunted house/mansion/hotel. For my top window, the hat, cards, and wand don't seem very scary. But it's scary to me for some particular reason....

   The fired-up pumpkin was a idea from my teacher. It's actually really easy. I cut out a pumpkin shape on construction paper. 

You can do any other shape you like. The color of the paper doesn't really matter, unless you want to glue it on, like us. After you cut if out, trace the sides and the eyes, mouth, and nose (if you have any) with chalk or oil pastel. We used oil pastel, but chalk works really good. Then, spread the chalk or oil pastel with your finger and onto the paper. When you are done, lift up the paper and see your fired-up artwork!
    My brother painted the pumpkin at school, and I've done a project like that. It's simple, just cut out a pumpkin shape and paint it. These are just some of the Halloween art projects, the Halloween food ideas are even better, like the Banana Ghost, Apple Chompers, Yucky Jello Worms, and the Cute Tangerine Pumpkins. Check out more Halloween food ideas at Facebook!


產地自銷大聲公: 您的孩子也作了萬聖節佈置嗎? 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)"的"自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.

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