2015年12月11日 星期五

011.1 環保聖誕節(自己動手做)

圖片來源: Guideweddingchick.com
動手做主題: 環保聖誕節
1. 57種回收物所作的聖誕勞作
57 Christmas Crafts from Recycled Items - from all free Christmas craft

2.另類聖誕樹 Alternative Christmas tree  from 

3. 17種另類聖誕樹 17 Alternative Christmas tree from Guideweddingchick.com

4. 另類聖誕樹Alternative Christmas tree from Whoot

5. 環保包裝法Eco-friendly gift wrap from keeper of the home

6. 環保裝飾物想法Eco-friendly decoration idea - from happy herbivore

7. 聖誕節折紙 from origami club (日文網站)

大家要不要來試個環保聖誕節, 極簡才是王道. 如何少包裝卻創意十足, 資源再利用, 減碳包裝...玩個創意動手做吧. 去年聖誕節, 剛搬到外州, 家裏沒有聖誕樹, 也不想買, 資源非常的有限, 連彩色的紙、緞帶、美勞用品都沒有.三豬也懶得出去買材料, 所以就用家裏現有回收物做了一棵超環保聖誕樹.

樹體是回收紙板作的,裝飾物的材料就是廣告紙、宣傳單、、回收紙...等. 連裝橘子的網子也用上. 很克難, 但完成還蠻有成就感的.

和家人過節嘛!也不用要求精美, 自己動手做, 小孩忙得開心, 心意到了就好了.至於好不好看, 自我感覺良好就行了."環保聖誕節 - 懶惰有理, 得以出門消費, 還可以為地球盡一分力^_^, 一舉二得.

裝飾物是小孩畫全家人, 沒緞帶, 吊飾帶子是裝橘子的網子, 一顆顆球裏面包報紙, 外面是廣告宣傳紙.樹的綠色底是學校發通知的影印紙, 反正看完拿來再使用^_^.
 記錄就由小企鵝來寫囉.小企鵝不會寫中文, 大家多多包涵, 看一下英文.
                                 A Christmas Tree

We've never really had a Christmas Tree before, and last year, we "got" our first one! Or more likely, made one! It came out really nice, also, it was really easy (Leopard, my brother, enjoyed making it). We got a long cardboard box, a big piece of cardboard, green paper, glue, scrap paper, and string. Since we were out of string, we cut up a plastic wire mesh bag for the string. 

First, we tore the green paper into pieces, then, we drew a Christmas tree shape on the big piece of cardboard and cut it out. Next, we glued the green paper onto the Christmas tree shape and taped it on the long cardboard box. You can glue it if you want. Finally, decorate! If you have special decorations you want to put on, you can. But here's a quick and easy way to make Christmas decorations: 
1. Crumple scrape paper into a ball, then take a piece of wrapping paper or cloth and wrap the ball. Tie the top with string.

2. Cut the leftover scraps of cardboard. You can cut whatever pattern you want on the sides. Then, draw! Punch a hole on the top and weave a piece of string through the top.

3. You can make a super cute snowman ornament and jazz-up the lights! You can make it glitter by adding white glitter to glue and some water. Mix the glue paste and pour it in the light bulb. Shake to make it even. Cut five tiny circle piece of felt or just use plastic eyes. Cut a triangle nose for the snowman. Glue it on a light bulb. Take two pieces of a stick and glue it on the sides of the light bulb.

4 Here's a simple way to make decorations. Draw a small picture, and punch a hole on top. String the string through the hole and hang it on the tree!

Here are just a few ideas of how to make Christmas decorations. Email us or post on Facebook if you have a DIY Christmas decoration you would like share. We made a tiny tree, but you could do a bigger tree (the bigger the better!) 

產地自銷大聲公: 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)"的"自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.

延伸閱讀: 011.2 自製聖誕樹變神壇, 超慘失敗經驗分享 (環保聖誕節)
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