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from: http://guide.weddingchicks.com/17-alternative-christmas-trees/ 關於環保聖誕節有用的參考網站, 請看前一篇這裏 |
還記得三豬媽發下豪語要自製環保聖誕樹嗎? 星期日真的動手做了. 我想起小時候玩過一種類似雪花的塑膠拚片(如下圖), 可以拚湊各種形狀. 所以我也來自製一些, 拼起來就是一棵聖誕樹, 很簡單的!
剛開始和小企鵝解釋我的聖誕樹設計是什麼, 小企鵝(姐姐)說他想要作另一種的(這小孩翅膀硬了, 要自己飛, 有自己的想法....),小獵豹(幼稚園的弟弟)也摻一腳, 說要做一棵給他的小猫(每天抱著睡的填充玩具).我們三個各做各的, 大家很興奮的"認為"今年會有三種不同的聖誕樹.動工了===>
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from: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com |
剛開始和小企鵝解釋我的聖誕樹設計是什麼, 小企鵝(姐姐)說他想要作另一種的(這小孩翅膀硬了, 要自己飛, 有自己的想法....),小獵豹(幼稚園的弟弟)也摻一腳, 說要做一棵給他的小猫(每天抱著睡的填充玩具).我們三個各做各的, 大家很興奮的"認為"今年會有三種不同的聖誕樹.動工了===>
小企鵝跟我說他要作&^%*? 我完全聽不懂. 她只好默默地繼續設計!
三豬媽的設計, 雪花拚片, 本來是六角形, 改成比較容易製作的八角形
孩子們都說我的作品不像聖誕樹, 像機器人. (哈哈, 這是我自己想出來,沒有範例參考, 不像很正常) 做到一半時, 三豬媽覺得用八角型疊實在太慢, 割硬紙板挺費力的吔. 於是更改設計, 改加長柱型. 殊不知, 慘劇就是從更改設計、偷吃步開始.小企鵝還在作他的設計, 是圓型, 作得超慢的, 慢工出細活嗎? 我的都立起來了. 還是看不懂她的作品將會是什麼?
突然, 這作品就在我面前慢慢的"軟"了下來......還來不及照成品, 慘劇就發生.... 因為移動及上色還濕濕的, 紙板變軟, 再加上裝飾燈太重, 竟然就像911雙子星大樓那樣倒了....而且沒乾的綠色油彩染得地毯到處都是....慘字形容.....
只好重搭(如上圖), 因為紙板都變形, 後面偷加個譜架支撐, 完全不像聖誕樹 >_< 泣!....點上燈後, 發覺還蠻像個神壇^_^那個聖誕老公公是神明!頂上的糜鹿及雪人像是千里眼和順風耳.
這個(上圖)就是小企鵝的聖誕樹, 他也不太滿意, 說太小了, 做完直接丟到回收區. (真像個香菇。。>_<)
內部設計是這樣(從回收區拿回來, 偷偷拍照), 看起來就是違章建築的結構啊^_^ (噓!小聲點, 小企鵝中文識字應該沒那麼好, 不會發現媽媽在偷偷取笑她的作品).
lesson learn: 1. 不要偷懶, 所有的紙板大小、長度要一致. 長形不能太長.
2. 上色要等乾了, 才能上裝飾品
記錄就由小企鵝來寫囉.小企鵝不太會寫中文, 大家多多包涵, 看一下英文. (這位小朋友竟然在英文記錄寫著, 我不知道我媽媽在設計什麼. 我也在我的中文記錄寫著我不知道小企鵝在設計什麼..真是太有默契的母女)
A Christmas Tree
Yes, what my mom said is sort of true, it did turn into um, sort of a, you know. I made one too, it was sort of tiny, but my brother's was even tinier! (Is that even a word?). I know mine made perfect sense why it would work, but to tell you the truth, I didn't know how my mom's would work. It turned out to be more of a house shape. But still! It's our family's tree!
I cut out a circle, about 15 centimeters, and made a mark in the middle. Then, I cut out a long triangle who's point is the mark I made and I cut the triangle out. Next, I made the the Pac-Man chomper thingy into a wide cone shape, which would be the top of the tree. I repeated the steps but with 21 cm. for the middle, and 27 cm. for the bottom. Roll a large square or rectangle of cardboard into a tube. Also, cut a square piece of cardboard. Finally, I taped then together, Small cone on top, medium, middle, big, bottom. Tape the tube on the bottom of the tree "top", and the square piece on the bottom of that If it looks too small or too flat, cut a rectangle about 6-8 cm. and tape it like a beam to hold it in place. If that falls, stuff the bottom of the beam with something. I used plastic peanuts that you use for packing stuff (not a plastic Peanuts from Peanuts). It works fine so far! Now, paint it and decorate!
If you have more ideas how to make a Christmas tree, you can email us!
Yes, what my mom said is sort of true, it did turn into um, sort of a, you know. I made one too, it was sort of tiny, but my brother's was even tinier! (Is that even a word?). I know mine made perfect sense why it would work, but to tell you the truth, I didn't know how my mom's would work. It turned out to be more of a house shape. But still! It's our family's tree!
I cut out a circle, about 15 centimeters, and made a mark in the middle. Then, I cut out a long triangle who's point is the mark I made and I cut the triangle out. Next, I made the the Pac-Man chomper thingy into a wide cone shape, which would be the top of the tree. I repeated the steps but with 21 cm. for the middle, and 27 cm. for the bottom. Roll a large square or rectangle of cardboard into a tube. Also, cut a square piece of cardboard. Finally, I taped then together, Small cone on top, medium, middle, big, bottom. Tape the tube on the bottom of the tree "top", and the square piece on the bottom of that If it looks too small or too flat, cut a rectangle about 6-8 cm. and tape it like a beam to hold it in place. If that falls, stuff the bottom of the beam with something. I used plastic peanuts that you use for packing stuff (not a plastic Peanuts from Peanuts). It works fine so far! Now, paint it and decorate!
If you have more ideas how to make a Christmas tree, you can email us!
產地自銷大聲公: 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)"的"自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.
是的, 真正的動手做失敗機率很高.....^_^...我都阿Q的想, 我們重視的是過程,不是結果...