2016年1月5日 星期二

012【免費烹飪課 - 小企鵝廚房】一次就成功的丹麥餅乾...

學習主題: 自製丹麥餅乾
材料: A.奶油278公克、細糖80公克、糖粉100公克、鹽2公克

老實說, 三豬媽從小就是"君子遠疱廚"那一型的人, 不太喜歡料理, 也不主動學.
唯一會讓我有下廚動機, 就是實驗新的料理.而我家小企鵝, 剛好和媽媽相反, 還蠻喜歡烹飪的. 對我, 是天上掉下來來禮物。終於慢慢昐到女兒長大, 有時可以告訴小企鵝, 媽媽想吃什麼, 然後食物就有機會出現.....我出運了. 灑花! 當然囉, 各位媽媽要到逹這個階段, 首先要先經過孩子新手上路, 習慣孩子們把廚房弄得天下大亂的過程.

關於這次的丹麥餅乾, 上面YouTube連結有非常詳細說明, 相信大家看了就會, 而且不失敗哦.那位示範者很親民有趣, 是不是很有鄰家大嬸的感覺呢!..每年三豬媽一定要吃這款丹麥餅乾才覺得像過聖誕節呢! ^_^也肥了不少.  
小企鵝中文不太好, 請大家忍著點看英文記錄. (這位小朋友竟然在文中告訴小朋友們不要聽媽媽的話)

                                               Crazy for cookies
                                      By Penguin
     Every year we bought Danish cookies. This time we made them. They came out great, and of course, yummy. We mixed in all the ingredients, with the butter fully melted, unlike what the video told us to do. (Tip: If you're a kid, don't listen to your mom if she tells you to put the butter in the microwave, waiting is better). 
After mixing everything, we spooned the cookie batter into icing bags (or piping bags which it sometimes is called). We squeezed the batter onto the parchment paper for baking, not the parchment paper that looks old. You can do it in any shape you want. 
Leopard likes numbers, so we did numbers (which the rest of us was not allowed to eat), we did swirls, because it was easy, we did stars because I liked them, and we did caterpillars/train, which was four or five "dots" connected together.
 My mom liked them because they were four or five bite-sized cookies, which made the perfect, um, serving. I also made a bigger circle/rose and it was like the caterpillar, but they were about as big as two or three bite-sized cookies. They were great as I said, and yummy. You should really try it!

產地自銷大聲公: 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)""自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.

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