2016年1月6日 星期三

013 - 免費烹飪班 - 小企鵝廚房 - 小乳豬饅頭

學習主題: 小乳豬饅頭
作法: 請點選這裏

這個小乳豬饅頭, 看起來超可愛的, 讓人忍不住想試試看. 三豬媽不是個骨力的人, 不自己揉麵團的! 強力建議大家買個麵包機, 經濟實惠.包、麵條、麵團都難不倒它. 

機器麵團, 小朋友負責塑型, 像在作黏土一樣. 媽媽負責蒸. (最後一哩, 被我搞碴了, 變皺皺的^_^). 

家裏沒有紅麴粉, 用黑糖漿替代.連黑芝麻也沒有, 用chia seed替代, 所以我家小豬變成小眼豬.

小企鵝中文不太好, 請大家忍著點看英文記錄.她說蒸完感覺小豬變老了, 因為皮皺皺的^_^.如果你覺得它有皺紋, 檢查一下, 看有沒有灰頭髮哦!
作法: 請點選這裏

          Piggy Buns
                                  By Penguin
       When my mom showed me these "piggy buns", I was sold. I didn't usually eat them, but these were good (and super cute). We made some dough, and colored a portion of it brown with molasses. My mom rolled out the brown dough, and I used a small sippy cup or cup cap as a cookie cutter to make the snout part. After making about ten or fifteen snouts, I used a toothpick to poke holes in it. Also, I made the triangles for the ears. Meanwhile, my mom rolled out the white dough, cut it, and rolled it up, and we decorated it. The eyes were chia seeds, because we didn't have black sesame seeds. Then, my mom steamed them.
       They were delicious! Some became wrinkly because we opened the pot lid when they were steaming, but otherwise, they were perfect. (Hmm, I wonder when that batch of pigs became so old...) The pigs were also super easy. Just remember, if your pig is wrinkly, check out if it has a few gray hairs! 

產地自銷大聲公: 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)""自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.

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