2015年9月28日 星期一

004.1 - 你也看到超級血月的天文奇景了嗎? - 自己動手作 - 月亮特輯

動手做主題:  超級血月的天文奇景 
動手做的詳細步驟及材料: 請見內文
所需時間:約2小時, 需等下次天文奇景
由於最近特殊的天文奇景, 我們先插入這個月亮特輯 - 超級血月.  其實啊, 如果你們家有天文狂, 你會發現每次他們告訴的天文奇景不外是百年難得一見, 不然就是下次再看到它們, 會再等N年...好像真的好難得, 一定要看.  但事實上, 天上星星這麼多, 一下木星, 一下土星, 一下金星, 一下彗星....要看特別的天文現象, 好像還蠻常的吔^_^

這次的超級血月, 剛好遇到中秋節, 我們這邊的中秋夜晚, 微風徐徐, 讓人忍不住想吟一首詩.....


三豬校長自首好了, 其實我記得前兩句, 剩下都是GOOGLE來的.

小企鵝記錄了昨天Moon hike (在家附近的一個沼澤地, 社區一起賞月健行)的經過. 企鵝不會寫中文, 請容忍一下看英文. 

他說這次的賞月健行還蠻擠的, 但很好玩. 如果下次2030再出現, 他建議大家可以再來這裏健行. 他不覺得這次月亮有特別大 (三豬: 超級大的, 好嗎!), 但很紅, 也許是因為大家一直看它, 他就臉紅了, 他還捉弄弟弟, 騙他說月亮變紅是因為被別的星球撞到.


Blood moon night
                                     By: Penguin
   September, this year (2015) was the month of the blood moon and super moon. I saw the blood moon last year, but the super moon was the first one I've seen. The next super moon will be here on the year 2030. This year, to get the best view of the super moon/blood moon, we went on a hike with some friends. The hike was fun and crowded, and we did see the moon!

 The blood moon is when the moon turns bright red, and a super moon is when the moon is very big. It didn't seem any bigger than any moon I've seen but I could tell the moon was bright red (probably because it was blushing because so many people were looking at it!) The view was spectacular, you can see from the picture!

   I think the super moon is caused by the moon coming close to the earth and the blood moon is caused by another planet hitting the moon (That's what I told my brother). Okay, for real, I think that the earth is blocking the moon but the sun still can shine on it. The video my mom gave me used very fancy words and was confusing so I'm not sure. But I'm sure about one thing, the hike was a nice place to spot the moon! So next time there's a blood moon, spotting it on a hike is probably a good idea!

                                                      Blood moon


