2022年5月11日 星期三

【021 免費科學營】- 拆解計算機

家裏一個計算機壞了, 扔了也可惜, 今天閒閒沒事, 出個PROJECT給小獵豹. 叫他

1) 拆解計算機好了.  打開螺絲還算有興趣, 要小獵豹

2) 畫出LAYOUT, 

3) 猜出每個COMPONET的功能, 

他就不是這麼熱衷了. 印象中, 每次出PROJECT給小企鵝, 都很開心作呢. 三豬媽耐著性子, 唱作俱佳的跟他聊計算機與人體結構的同質性, 並請他

4) GOOGLE計算機的LAYOUT及所有答案. 這位小獵豹總算提起興趣了. 也開心了. 

Explainthatstuff: Calculators: 這篇是小獵豹GOOGLE到蠻詳盡的計算機介紹


三豬媽就是不放棄讓小孩從生活中學習. 要會用螺絲起子, 要會自己動手作. 要走出戶外. 從小企鵝的身上, 我知道這個實驗及教育模式是成功的. 但小獵豹是不同個體, 有著不一樣個性.興趣及喜好. 三豬媽還得投其所好. 設計不同PROJECT呢.    

以下是小獵豹的心得. 他不會寫中文, 煩各位看英文囉. 

We took apart the calculator, and found objects in it. We drew a diagram about the objects in it. The objects we found included a digital chip, a button pad, and the lines in the chip. I was supprised by how everything digital has chips. I then read an article about how digital calculators work, and I founded out that the digits use binary code, using 0s and 1s. The button pads are also interesting. They are placed under the buttons, and they have sensors to sense the button getting pressed so that pressing [6] gives you 6. There are more buttons to change the number, like pressing [+] to add, and pressing [*] to mutiply. Overall, the insides of the calculator is interesting.

