2015年11月21日 星期六

011.1 自製水彩

【學習主題: 自製水彩】
作法及材料: 見本文
需要時間: 10分鐘(不包括乾燥時間)

自製水彩的動手做是小企鵝趁我睡覺自己GOOGLE來的. 她想把這個當作園遊會的贈品. (她說了很久, 我沒認真聽, 看到成品驚艷了一下) 原來顏料還可以自製.  

這個動手做非常簡單, 全程不需大人幫忙, 而且一定會成功. 不過, 有點討厭的就是它需要玉米糖漿(Corn Syrup). 小企鵝一直問我可不可以買這個, 煩了很久, 終於有一天到walmart如願買了.作完動手做還有一大瓶, 真不知這東西還可以作什麼???

過程就由小企鵝來寫. 小企鵝不會寫中文, 請包涵看英文.

                                       By Penguin
       I always liked painting and drawing. Last year, I got my first set of "student level" watercolor paints, which I love. But last week, I wanted to make my own! They came out really nice, I made two batches, I guess one for me, one for my brother. Here's how to make them:

You'll need:
4 tablespoons baking soda (小蘇打粉)
2 tablespoons white vinegar (白醋)
1/2 teaspoon light corn syrup (or sometimes called Karo Syrup) (玉米糖漿)
2 tablespoons cornstarch (玉米粉)
Food coloring (食用色素)
A container (we used a plastic egg container, but an ice cube tray or a mini muffin tin works well too) (裝的盒子)

Mix the baking soda and vinegar together. Add the cornstarch and corn syrup and mix. Pour it into your container and have some fun with your colors! Mix up the colors, make sure that you mix all the way, it often stays on the bottom! Wait until it dries, about 2-3 days. Have fun trying it!

It comes out really cool! You should really try it!


產地自銷大聲公: 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)"的"自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.

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