1. 31個美美的點子: adventure in a box網站, 按這裏
2. 葉子構成的動物圖型: Tea Collection網站, 按這裏
天氣變冷了!入秋後, 三豬媽企劃個詩意一點的動手做計劃 - "秋葉畫"專題.
三豬媽應該試著寫些詩意、浪漫的文字, 可是我腦中只想起一件很好笑的事. 對不起, 要出賣家人一下. 事情是發生在多年前, 在美國唸研究所時, 我媽媽寫了一封家書給我. 我媽是那種看到蟑螂時, 直接把蟑螂頭撕下來的阿莎力俠女個性. 結果家書竟然寫著:
親愛的女兒, 你好嗎? 看著窗外落葉繽紛, 想起在外地的你.......更多更多非常文藝的句子.....
我看了忍不住大笑, 這是我媽媽嗎? 跟那個撕蟑螂頭的媽媽, 真的蠻難連在一起的^_^.
好了, 現在正式介紹一個超簡單的入秋動手做. 秋天的落葉, 是很好的藝術創作來源, 可以玩的變化很多. 而且非常省事, 不用備料. 就是叫孩子去後院撿些樹葉, 然後發揮創意作畫!
先看一下別人的作品, 31個美美的點子. (照片來自adventure in a box網站, 按這裏)
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from: http://adventure-in-a-box.com/31-art-projects-for-children-to-make-in-the-fall/ |
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from: http://www.teacollection.com/blog/2012/10/03/behind-the-design-creating-with-leaves-and-flowers/ |
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from: http://www.teacollection.com/blog/2012/10/03/behind-the-design-creating-with-leaves-and-flowers/ |
我們家的記錄就由小企鵝來寫囉.小企鵝不會寫中文, 大家多多包涵, 看一下英文.
It's Autumn, and my mom wanted a outdoor crafts project. When my mom called me outside, I knew that she had something up her sleeve (it means to have a hidden plan, and is waiting for the right moment to tell). I did not feel like doing a craft, since I was reading a book (yes, I'm a bookworm), even that my mom's crafts is always fun. So I went outside along with my brother, and my mom told us to collect leaves.
We had a loquat tree, which I picked a dried leaf from (that leaf wasn't really pretty, I didn't use it later, so I recommend you pick pretty leaves). After we were done with picking the leaves, we went inside and my mom had laid out a bunch of crayons, and she told us to arrange the leaves and place a paper on top of it.
Then, we used a crayon to color over it. I hid a few flowers in mine, yes, they got smooshed, see if you can see them in the picture above! I thought that the arranged leaves looked really pretty, so I glued some on another piece of paper. It looked even prettier! It's pretty, but it only stays like that for a week or so. But I think it's worth it. At least we have cameras now, you'll always have a picture of the time it was young.
We didn't try them, but the animals above are cute too, you should really try them. Email us some pictures or post it yourself if you do this craft! 產地自銷大聲公: 希望爸爸媽媽多多鼓勵小孩當一個小小Maker! 簡單的設計圖畫也可以參加"小企鵝與三豬媽(Maker)"的"自己動手做擂台", 會有意想不到的效果. (參加辦法在這裏). 我們希望鼓勵的是參與的過程, 不是結果.