動手做主題: 孵豐年蝦
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(附上的影片是我們第一部Youtube影片, YA!按字幕有中文說明)
這個養豐年蝦的故事是怎麼開始的呢? 就是有一天, 小企鵝養了鬥魚, 結果企鵝爸和小企鵝兩個興致勃勃的計劃要孵小鬥魚, (三豬: 聽起來就是不可能的任務啊!) 可是小企鵝已經大方的跟同學說, 等小鬥魚孵出來要贈送給他們.
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by freeimages.com |
終於兩年後, 最近成功了. 企鵝爸每天都要早點名、晚點名他的蝦兵蝦將. 今天和小企鵝為了我們的新科寶貝 - 豐年蝦, 作了有史以來第一部Youtube 影片 (三豬: 沒想到這麼簡單). 影片是在顯微鏡下看豐年蝦, 像在跳舞, 很有趣.
小企鵝不會寫中文, 只好請大家看英文筆記.
內容是描述養豐年蝦要如何準備及我們失敗的過程. 現在我們養到第二代蝦子, 希望你的蝦子也可以長大, 如果你也養的話.
Raising brine shrimp
By: Penguin
Before I got Honey (my hamster), my dad got this crazy idea to raise brine shrimp. Despite their name, they're these teeny, tiny shrimp that you usually wouldn't want to eat. My dad got the eggs from a friend, but if you want to raise brine shrimp, you can buy the eggs on Ebay or specialized aquarium stores. You'll also need:
- water
- a big container or aquarium
- aquarium salt (available at pet stores or aquarium stores)
- a source of brine shrimp food (they sell brine shrimp food, but yeast works well for the first couple days, and algae works too)
- An aquarium pump
We had tried to breed brine shrimp when I was seven. They hatched but my brother thought it was just a bowl of water with specks of brown stuff, so he mixed it up, pretending to be a master chef, and also, my dad used table salt instead of aquarium salt. Of course, the brine shrimp died. This time, when the brine shrimp grew two eyes, my dad acted like it was the best thing anybody could achieve. He called everybody we knew (or at least a lot of people) and told them about the news.
Brine shrimps are easy to care for and hatch, but hard to raise them up, like how my dad was so happy when the brine shrimp grew two eyes. Thanks and hope you enjoyed this!
P.S. This is how we looked at them, they became too fast to catch up with them using a microscope! Check out our brine shrimp swimming on;
其實是我們兩個興趣太多, 愛玩.小孩跟著玩而已.
回覆刪除美國小孩小學三點前就放學, 功課很少, 十分鐘就寫完了. 如果沒上才藝, 玩的時間倒是很多.
Wow! Amazing!